Empower Your Inner Warrior in Nature

“By discovering nature,

You discover yourself.” 

-Maxime Lagace

Scientific studies show exercising in the great outdoors is more beneficial than exercising indoors, both psychologically and physically. Outdoor activities correlate with longer life spans and fewer health problems, such as obesity, depression, asthma, anxiety, mood disorders, high blood pressure, vision problems, heart problems, and chronic pain. People who exercise outdoors, whether at beaches, forests, parks, or gardens, are more likely to stick to their goals and practice regularly. Spending time in the serenity of nature awakens the senses and promotes clarity, positive thinking, improved coping skills, resilience, and nourishment for body and spirit through vitamin D and the sense of awe that recent research has shown to be important for optimal health and happiness. This enigmatic sense of awe is attributed by some to mysterious quantum philosophical properties of universal energy, while others find in nature a spiritual connection to a higher deity. 

            Next time you venture out in a natural environment, try the warrior exercise to center yourself and promote mind-core control of your body’s kinetic chain, utilizing all the muscles of your trunk, arms, and legs. 

Warrior Exercise

The warrior exercise improves balance, posture, and full body coordination with emphasis on the neglected posterior chain (back side of the body), while developing single leg stability necessary to be explosive off both legs when sprinting, jumping, or changing directions. In addition to training the body, you will also train the mind to be present, focused and in tune with your body in relation to the world around.

Experiment with variations for progression and modification for all fitness levels, adding movement or exercising in water. Begin in still, deep water, progressing to shallow water with current or waves to mimic the unexpected perturbations of life. Harness the energy of the universe to empower your core!

Nature Warrior TikTok Video (please follow and like:))

            As Einstein wrote, “He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed.” From an evolutionary perspective, our deep, organic, and visceral connection with nature is intuitive, as humans have been evolving in the natural world for millions of years. Our lengthy relationship with Mother Earth and all her wonders of flora and fauna has fostered “biophilia,” our innate need to bond with nature. Our connection to the wonders of nature, and the importance of this connection for optimal health, have a long history in philosophy, religion, art, and culture, yet have only recently been recognized and validated by the scientific world. There is abundant evidence that our affiliation with animals, plants, seascapes, rivers, landscapes, and wilderness enhances our holistic health in mind-body-spirit and is invaluable for our journey to core empowerment!

Empower Your Inner Warrior in Nature on YouTube (please subscribe, like, share :))