Videos and Exercises from Master Your Core

Chill Core Practice Exercises

The Chill Core Practice is the perfect place to start your core training for beginners.

Video 1: Chill Core Practice

The Chill Core Practice video includes the following exercises from Master Your Core.

Inner Core Toner


Awaken and Grow

Core Butterfly

Trunk Twist

Dynamic Cat

Dynamic Dog

Heart Opener

Tree in the Wind




Bird Dog


Side Plank



Intense Core Practice Exercises

The Intense Core Practice includes all the same exercises from the Chill Core Practice along with modifications that make each exercise challenge your core stability even further.

Video 2: Intense Core Practice

Core Stability Arsenal

The Core Stability Arsenal is loaded with more intense core training exercises that will intensely challenge your core stability and balance.

Video 3: Core Stability Arsenal

The Core Stability Arsenal includes the following exercises:


Y Balance

Dynamic Warrior

Happy Tree

Criss Cross Crunch

Side Crunch

Squat kick

Tree in the Storm

Medicine Ball:

Med Ball Squat

Med Ball Anterior Posterior Lunges

Med Ball Lateral Lunges

Med Ball Diagonal Lunges

Med Ball Hip Drive

Med Ball Trunk Twist

Med Ball Core Revolutions


Stability Bug

Stability Bridge

Stability Bird Dog

Stability Plank

Stability Superhero

Stability Squat


Sky Hops

Scissor Hops

Lunge Hops

Anterior Posterior Hops

medial Lateral Hops

Horizon to Sky Hops

Inchworm Hops


Side Crunch

Roll Out

Suspended Planks

Suspended Side Planks

Suspended Crunch



Core Lab Testing

From Chapter 1, this video shows examples of our Core Lab Testing studies so you can see how we measure proprioception and other important features of core control and stability.

Video 4: Core Lab Testing

Core Score

From Chapter 13 of Master Your Core, the Core Score is a self assessment tool you can use to see where you are at with your core stability and training so far.

Video 5: Core Lab Score