Jump for Joy, Health & Resilience

If you Want to Learn to Swim.

Jump in the Water!

On Dry Land, No Frame of Mind

Is Going to Help You”

– Bruce Lee

Plyometrics (“plyo’s”) are jumping exercises for improving performance and a critical component of injury prevention programs. Performing quick, powerful movements pump out the inner athlete in us to be the best that we can be for longevity. Plyometric training involves powerful muscular contractions in response to a rapid stretching to load our muscles, then fire an explosive contraction immediately following. The most basic example of true plyometric training is running. Each stride requires a loading phase, and then an immediate, explosive contraction phase. 

Everyone who would like to move more athletically, burn calories, and improve reactive power (even if not an athlete) will benefit from performing a few plyometric drills each day to improve reaction time, balance, and agility. Plyometric training induces beneficial neuromuscular adaptations in the core musculature, kinetic chain, and nervous system to enhance dynamic stability. Muscle pre-activation significantly increases after plyometric training to enhance dynamic restraint throughout the body for functional core stability. 

            Plyo’s are advanced exercises that should be attempted only after a solid foundation of core awareness and strength have been established. These exercises are geared toward highly trained athletes, or people in peak physical condition without musculoskeletal problems. However, plyos may be modified with reduced stress on your muscles, tendons, and joints by performing them in water, beginning in deeper water and progressing to shallower levels. Try plyometrics in the ocean, a lake, a pond, or even a river with sandy bottom, and hop your way to explosive magnificence!

            For more core empowering strategies, check out my book “Master Your Core” and jump right into a healthy mind-body-spirit!