Mother Earth’s Medicine

“In all things of nature, there is something of the marvelous.”


Spending time in the sacred serenity of nature provides a myriad of salutogenic benefits on wellbeing, performance, and quality of life. While the countless benefits of nature-based exercise are well-documented, scientific understanding of the mechanisms underlying the relationship between nature and heath is still in its infancy. Mounting evidence shows that natural environments reduce the stress hormone cortisol. Overexposure to cortisol and other stress hormones increases the risk of mental health issues like anxiety, depression, and cognitive impairments affecting memory and concentration. These deleterious consequences lead to obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease, and other serious health problems associated with inflammation. 

Among the marvelous benefits of Mother Nature’s playground, an exciting phenomenon we are learning about is the fantastic force field of flora, created by phytoncides. Phytoncides are natural oils secreted by all plants as a function of their regular metabolic processes. These natural oils create a protective microclimate to defend against insects, animals, bacteria, and fungi. Trees such as oak, pine, cedar, spruce, and fir release potent amounts of these wonderous, organic compounds with antimicrobial properties to help fight inflammation and disease. When we enter into the magical force field of flora and breathe in the natural essential oils, our bodies increase the number and activity of white blood cells that boost our immune system, reduce inflammatory markers, and kill tumor and virus infected cells. 

Outdoor play provides powerful, natural, medicinal nourishment for our body-mind-spirit, with undisputable evidence that green and blue exercise improves stress management, intra- and interpersonal development, and cultivates pro-social and pro-environmental behavior. Moving your workout in to Mother Earth’s awe-inspiring playground will magnify the benefits for your health, happiness, fitness, and motivation. As springtime days lengthen and temperatures rise, budding leaves and blossoming flowers beckon us to play. So smell some blooms, climb some trees, and soak in some sunshine to optimize your vitality and health span!