Savoring Slumber

                   “Slumber is the Chief Nourisher in Life’s Feast”                                                                         -Shakespeare Sleep nourishes your mind-body-spirit and is integrally related to wellness. Sufficient quantity and quality of sleep are vital for optimal functioning of all biological processes e.g., digestion, immunity, hormonal balance, mental health, learning, memory, clearance of toxins, growth, healing, and cell regeneration. Children and teens should… Continue reading Savoring Slumber

Labyrinth Walking: Stepping Inside

While cycling in Jutland, between Copenhagen and the German border I came across a dreamlike castle with some stone steps to an observation deck overlooking a boxwood maze, something reminiscent of “The Shining”, but with a much cooler vibe.  It had been a long, magical day cruising through swirling wheat fields, and I was excited to… Continue reading Labyrinth Walking: Stepping Inside

“Awe”-some Wonder

“He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed.” -Albert Einstein The human mind is uniquely capable of conceptualizing elaborate models of the universe, yet as Einstein famously recognized, “the most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehensible”. At… Continue reading “Awe”-some Wonder

Mother Earth’s Medicine

“In all things of nature, there is something of the marvelous.” -Aristotle Spending time in the sacred serenity of nature provides a myriad of salutogenic benefits on wellbeing, performance, and quality of life. While the countless benefits of nature-based exercise are well-documented, scientific understanding of the mechanisms underlying the relationship between nature and heath is… Continue reading Mother Earth’s Medicine

Love Connection

“The most powerful force of all that governs all others- The universal force of love, which has limitless power To give force to life And energy to heal the world.” -Einstein The virtue of love bestows an unconditional, deep sense of care and commitment to yourself, the Universe, and all inhabitants promoting unselfish acts of… Continue reading Love Connection