“Mountains are our Holy Land.
We ought to saunter through them reverently, not hike”
– John Muir

I was sauntering through the morning mist of the Talamanca Montane Forest mesmerized by the bird song and monkey acrobatics. Costa Rica is blessed with lush terrain and natural beauty for magnificent hiking, an empowering activity that allows you to challenge your body, harness the energy of nature, and nourish your soul. Grueling climbs and sketchy descents demand agility and responsiveness from mind and body.
While this poses no problems for the agile jaguars, cougars, and even the anteaters I was hoping to spot, the treacherous trails can turn a ankle in the blink of an eye demanding keen awareness. Huge spiders and snakes (reminiscent of the Temple of Doom) pose obvious dangers, yet the smaller critters like mosquitos and ticks are the less conspicuous culprits that may seriously jeopardize health. Natural repellent with citronella will help keep the little buggers at bay.
Stroll through the trail of life with awareness to truly appreciate the world. “Saunterers” once traveled on pilgrimages “a la sainte terre”, or to Holy Land. Unfortunately, in modern nomenclature, “saunter” has taken a negative connotation referring to lingerers, loiterers and sluggards that are giving the term a bad rap. Reverently wandering in nature can work wonders for improving not just your physical agility, but also mental and emotional health and wellness: cultivating mindfulness, reducing stress, boosting mood, enhancing creativity and appreciation of beauty- the secret of never growing old.
Happy Sauntering!