“Return to the root And you will see meaning” -Jianzhi Sengcan Hang like a monkey for health span! “Hang out grip strength” refers to the ability of your upper extremity muscles and tendons to keep you in a “dead hang” when suspended on a pull-up bar. Grip strength is one of the best indicators of… Continue reading Primal Power
Tag: #riskreduction
Heart Smart
“Above all else, guard your heart, For it is the wellspring of life.” -Proverbs 4:23 Getting your heart pumping with movement strengthens cardiac muscle, improves circulation, reduces pain and stiff joints, burns calories, and reduces risk of disease . How do you gauge the intensity to make sure you’re exercising enough, without overdoing it?… Continue reading Heart Smart
Muscle up Metabolism
“There is no magic pill.” -Arnold Schwarzenegger Exercising your muscles is the most beneficial thing you can do to maximize your health span; the period of your life span that you are not just living but thriving. Optimal health span is dependent upon our metabolism, the process by which our body uses energy to build… Continue reading Muscle up Metabolism
Super Surf
‘You cannot cross the sea merely by standing and staring at water.” -Rabindranath Tagore Shivering with my feet in the cold, pebbly sand, I was mesmerized by the orange glow of the early morning sunbeams dancing over the ocean waves. The cool morning breeze filled the air with excitement of a new ocean adventure. I did… Continue reading Super Surf
Swim Into Serenity
“Be formless, shapeless, like water” -Bruce Lee Water is essential to life as the powerful driving force of nature and a magical portal to inner peace. Dive into water for a fun and effective way to transform your body and your relationship to exercise for all ages and fitness levels. It’s a great whole-body workout that… Continue reading Swim Into Serenity